Thursday, October 29, 2020

Get Covered During Open Enrollment


Open enrollment for health insurance begins this Sunday, November 1 and continues through Tuesday, December 15. During this time, Marylanders can browse plans, sign up for a new health insurance plan, or make changes to their current plan. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the need for all families in our state to have affordable, quality coverage. I encourage everyone to  visit today to find a plan that works for their needs. 

During the open enrollment period, individuals and families who do not have employee-sponsored insurance, and who do not participate in Medicaid or Medicare programs, can compare plans and choose the plan that fits their needs. Financial assistance is available for many, so visit as soon as possible. 

Need help selecting a plan? Free assistance is available. Due to COVID-19, most in-person assistance is not available this year. However, the Maryland Health Connection call center is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. to assist Marylanders. Click here for more information .


If you want to sell your Maryland house… we’re ready to give you a fair all-cash offer.

Stop the frustration of your unwanted property. Let us buy your Maryland, DC and Virginia house now, regardless of condition.

Avoiding foreclosure? Facing divorceMovingUpside down in your mortgage? Liens? It doesn’t matter whether you live in it, you’re renting it out, it’s vacant, or not even habitable. We help owners who have inherited an unwanted property, own a vacant house, are behind on payments, owe liens, downsized and can’t sell… even if the house needs repairs that you can’t pay for… and yes, even if the house is fire damaged or has bad rental tenants.

Basically, if you have a property and need to sell it… we’d like to make you a fair cash offer and close on it when you’re ready to sell.

Department of Human Services at the Ready to Assist Marylanders Affected by Potential Shut-Offs


Department of Human Services at the Ready to Assist Marylanders Affected by Potential Shut-Offs

Office of Home Energy Programs Helping People Meet Utility Billing Deadlines


BALTIMORE, MD — For Marylanders worried about paying their utility bills once the moratorium comes to an end next month, the wants you to know they’re here to help.

As of October 1, utility companies can start issuing termination notices for customers in arrears, informing them that the earliest turn-offs will begin on November 15. Affected customers will have 45 days from the date of a termination notice to seek a payment plan or energy assistance. Bill Freeman, Director of the Office of Home Energy Programs (OHEP) at the Maryland Department of Human Services, is urging all potentially affected Marylanders to take proactive steps that could prevent any discontinuation of utility services.

“We are acutely aware of the financial impact that COVID-19 has had on many of our fellow citizens,” stresses Freeman. “And in these most trying of circumstances, we want to place solution-oriented possibilities at the forefront. We encourage affected Marylanders to take advantage of the available energy-assistance options and to do so in a timely manner. Don’t wait until the last possible minute for a helping hand that could be given now.”

Program eligibility is income-based — Marylanders do not need a turn-off notice to qualify for assistance. Those interested can learn more about the energy assistance options available in Maryland online at Residents should then contact their Local Home Energy Program Office, where dedicated specialists will guide them through the energy assistance application and answer questions.

Detailed contact information for each jurisdiction’s Local Home Energy Program Office can be found at To ensure the public’s safety during the COVID-19 pandemic, walk-in traffic to the local offices is strictly limited to visitors with scheduled appointments.

“Reaching out to your Local Home Energy Program Office is like making an immediate connection with a helpful, next door neighbor,” Freeman enthuses. “Each of our local offices is quite literally on standby, ready to assist whomever comes through our virtual doors, so there’s no reason to hesitate.” 

For more program information or to download an application to print, click Energy Assistance Brochure.


The Maryland Department of Human Services (DHS) is the state’s primary social service provider, annually reaching more than one million people. Through its 24 local departments of social services, the agency pursues opportunities to assist people in economic need, provide preventive services, and protect vulnerable children and adults in each of Maryland’s 23 counties and Baltimore City. Additional information may be found at

If you want to sell your Maryland house we’re ready to give you a fair all-cash offer.

Stop the frustration of your unwanted property. Let us buy your Maryland house now, regardless of condition.