Tuesday, April 18, 2023

"Project Magi: Google's Plan to Revolutionize Search and Transactions"

 Google is making a major change to search with Project Magi, a new search engine they are planning to release.

 According to the New York Times, Google has 160 engineers working on the project. While there aren't many details about the new search engine, we know that Project Magi will feature a chat-like interface that will make search more like a conversation. Imagine asking a person questions and getting answers - that's what Google is aiming for.

Google wants to provide relevant answers that are adapted to us. The old-school method of seeing 10 results per page when you are just looking for an answer is what they are trying to replace. This won't work for all search queries, but it's the next logical step in search. It's similar to previous changes like Google's knowledge graph, which provided instant answers to common queries.

One of the biggest changes with Project Magi is how Google will help facilitate transactions. Google is going to start handling transactions on Google. Whether it is a pair of shoes or booking a flight, Google will provide a one-stop-shop experience. From your shoe size to the color you prefer, even understanding if you need wide shoes or narrow ones, Google will show you the products that fit your needs. Plus, they already have Google Pay, which would integrate nicely with this feature.

From a marketer's perspective, there will still be ads, but the way ads will work in the long run will change. Google will end up shifting to a cost-per-acquisition model, which is better for marketers and creates a better user experience. Plus, if your website isn't great, you can still make money as it is all happening on Google's end.

From an SEO perspective, there will be a new form of optimization. When Google is searching for products or services to show people through Project Magi, how can you optimize your site so that they show your products and services? It doesn't matter as much if someone clicks on over to your site, what really matters is who is getting the sale.

Overall, these new features will likely increase traffic on Google and create a better user experience. While we don't know when Project Magi will be released, it's exciting to see how search will continue to evolve.